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Hi, I'm Randy. Founder and Chief Screen Time Coach.

I know firsthand how overwhelming it can feel when you’re constantly tethered to your phone & computer. You want to change, you’ve probably tried to change—but your de(vices) keep pulling you back in.
Analog Coaching isn’t just about giving you tips and sending you on your way. We work daily to tackle the underlying triggers, mental blocks, and routines that pulls you into the endless scrolling. Then, we'll create strategies to help you break free, and build healthier habits that last.
Whether it’s cutting down your screen time, breaking free from social media comparisons, or just feeling more present, we’ll take it step by step together. Let’s make it happen.

Some questions, some answers

What exactly is a 'digital detox' and how does it work? 

A digital detox is a structured break from unnecessary tech use to help you reset your habits, focus, and priorities. We’ll guide you through reducing your screen time, creating boundaries, and mindfully reintroducing technology, so you can be more intentional with your time and attention.

I’ve tried to cut down on screen time before and failed. How is this different?

Change is hard when you’re going at it alone. We’re in your corner every day, helping you stay accountable, adjust when life happens, and push through the moments when you feel like giving up. It’s not about perfection—it’s about making real progress, day by day.

How soon will I see results? 

Most people notice small but meaningful changes within the first two weeks—like more focus, less screen time, and a clearer mind. The bigger shifts happen as these wins stack up and you start to regain control over your time.

Do I need to give up my phone completely? 

No! This isn’t about cutting out technology altogether—it’s about using it intentionally. We’ll work with you to set realistic boundaries that fit your life, helping you regain control without feeling disconnected.

What if I need access to support outside of the daily check-in's? 

You’ll always have access to your coach via text. Whether it’s a quick question or you’re hitting a rough patch, we’re here whenever you need us. You’re never on your own.

What if I don't see the results I'm looking for? 

We guarantee results. If you don’t feel progress within 30 days, we’ll refund you immediately. But with your commitment and our guidance, change is inevitable.

How do I know if Kanso Digital Wellness is right for me? 

If you feel like your phone is running your life, if social media is draining your energy, or if you’re tired of feeling distracted all the time, this program is for you. We’ll help you get back control of your time and your focus, so you can invest in what really matters.

Can I expense this? 

Probably! Many companies are all for “professional development” (a.k.a. keeping you sane), especially if it contributes to you productivity, or mental well-being. Plus if you're a founder, let's be honest. You've definitely written off more questionable things.